Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Computers Should Die!!!!

Okay hows this for a bad day, so on Monday my computer lost its F drive. The F drive had all of my work on it from the sixth grade. I have a research paper and I had all my research done and saved on my F drive. Then yesterday when I went to turn on the computer and write my paper, it will not turn on. Now I have no computer, no research and my paper's rough draft is do the next day. It could have not gotten any worse, other than I was already home late because of a track meet that I performed horribly in. I had to use my mothers computer and Gmail to save all my work and type it. I was up so late. I hate computers, it lost all of my work and my movie wish list and the ones I own, I am feeling just a little grumpy and some hatred towards computers right now.

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